U.S. Immigration
& Naturalization Services
(800) 597-0284
39111 Six Mile Road
Livonia, MI 4815
Deportation & Removal Proceedings
Cancellation of Removal
Adjustment of Status
Administrative and Judicial Relief
Stay of Removal
Administrative Appeal
Judicial Review
We care about each case and client and are dedicated to excellence in the practice of immigration law. We want our clients to obtain the immigration benefits that they deserve, and we are committed to working with our clients to achieve their goals.
We assist our clients with the following family and employment-based immigration challenges:
Immigration Services
Family-Based Visas
Fiancé(e)́ Visas (K Visa)
Family Visa (F Visa)
Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”) (I.N.A. § 204(a))
Victims of Criminal Activity (U Visa)
Employment-Based Visas
Investor Visas (EB-5)
Temporary workers (H Visas)
Labor Certification & PERM
Religious workers (R Visa)
NAFTA professional workers: Mexico, Canada (TN/TD Visa)
Performing athletes, artists, entertainers (P Visa)
Physician (J, H-1B Visa)
Victory in Alien Smuggling Case
On January 2, 2009, a 67-year-old Jamaican native (“Jane”)* a Jamaican native, citizen of Canada, and lawful permanent resident of the United States attempted to cross the US/Canada border at the Detroit Ambassador Bridge with two undocumented Canadian nationals (“Paul” and “Sally”). The border patrol seized Jane, and after a lengthy interrogation, charged her with alien smuggling. Specifically, the government alleged that on August 13, 2010, Jane “knowingly encouraged, induced, assisted, abetted, or aided Paul and Sally enter or try to enter the United States in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”) Sec. 212. [8 U.S.C. 1182](a)(6)(E). In June of 2011, the court commenced removal proceedings against Jane after she admitted to the first four claims that were filed against her.

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DISCLAIMER: All information contained in this website is for education purpose only and is not intended to be legal advice. Moreover, communication with this firm does not form an attorney-client relationship. That relationship only occurs upon the execution of a retainer agreement. Moreover, while the information contained in this communication may be based on laws and court rulings, it must not be relied upon as legal advice on specific facts. Law Offices of RL Johnson PLLC, its agents and affiliates cannot and will not render any legal or tax advice of any kind, unless said agent is duly licensed by the applicable state and/or federal authority to give said advice.
© 2012 by Law Offices RL Johnson PLLC